Únete a “Mujeres Con Curvas 2017” Fashion Show Casting.
Seleccionadas participaran en el desfile de modas y el concurso “Miss Curva NJ 2017” Evento que se realizara en Diciembre 1, 2017.
?Primer Casting: Jueves 21 de Septiembre, 5:00 – 8:30PM.
201 Market Street, Paterson, NJ
?Segundo Casting: TBD
En este casting pueden participar Mujeres Adultas Lideres de la comunidad Peruana en USA.
Participantes desfilaran la Coleccion de Maritza Guevara Sanchez!!
Diseñadora Peruana que rebosa talento, y es lo que sobrará en la versión 2017 “Mujeres Con Curvas”, el evento de moda más grande de Paterson.
Paterson is dressing up in fashion: CASTING starts SOON!
Join ” Women With Curves 2017″ Fashion Show Casting.
Selectees will participate in the fashion show and the contest “Mrs. Curve NJ 2017” Event to be held on December 1, 2017.
?First Casting: Thursday, September 21, 5:00 – 8:30 PM.
201 Market Street, Paterson, NJ
?Second Casting: TBD
We are welcoming, Adult Female Leaders of the Peruvian community, to pariticipate.
Participants will showcase the collection of Maritza Guevara Sanchez, a Peruvian designer who is full of talent!
This event will be colored by her talented collection at the 2017 “Women With Curves”, Paterson’s biggest fashion event.